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Getting this community on mIRC.
Hello, my name is Tom, some of you guys do know me and some not. My nickname is .:XT:. and im playing for ESG team.
Im gonna skip the intro and get to the point. Please read it.
What is mIRC?
mIRC is a popular Internet Relay Chat client used by millions of people, and thousands of organizations, to communicate, share, play and work with each other on IRC networks around the world. Serving the Internet community for over a decade, mIRC has evolved into a powerful, reliable and fun piece of technology.

Sadly as far as i know this community is used to msn... which i found really irritating for contacting anyone or trying to make a rumble. I did it once and never again. Same as xfire.
I use xfire only for storing the camping servers, because for other servers it is not needed.Every clan can put their server ip to their channel, and its visible for every person that comes in that channel.
I understand that pretty much all of you is just bored of installing such a thing, thinking its just another chat program same like others, but i assure you it is not.
The rest of UT communities such as normal weapon TDM, CTF, Insta, and all other mods is using mIRC, and i have to say it really works and it keeps this game alive more then anything else.
Only in sniper camping people still use msn for organizing the games, setting up the rumbles, calling people to show up for the match and so on.

This is how my mIRC looks like, and this is my own clan channel aswell (the window called #TmNT) and a popular pickup channel "#vc.ut"

In every channel there is a list of people to the right connected to the channel.
You can send a message so every user in the channel can see it, or you can double click some of them on the list, and a new private window will appear.
windows are sorted to the left of irc.
Both of the channels on the picture shown have a gahter/pickup mode enabled.
Now whats that?
in any of these channels you can use command !add and you will be added to the list of the players willing to play at the moment (eki13 was added in channel "#TmNT"Wink and as soon as the number of spots is filled in, in this case it was set to 2v2, the pickup (the rumble) starts.You will recieve a private message from the bot on irc with server information and teamspeak which is optional. after this players go to the ip adress and have a game. after they finish the game they can use command "!game over" to reset the pickup gather.
there are more commands like
!add red/blue
!team red/blue (switch to the red or blue team)
!remove (removes you from the pickup unless it started already.)
!gameover (resets the pickup)
!vote mapname
!status (shows the current pickup status)
!servers (shows available servers and teamspeak)
and some more...
Now imagine if only few members from each clan would join irc, and join the "camping pickup channel"....
A rumble could happen really easy.
Also having this much players on one list which is actually live would be more then awesome.People could chat, inform, and stay in touch much more easy.
At this moment there are few active servers aswell, so this way your server might be for some use actually.

In every channel permissions can be set to each user. so same like on forums there are admins, moderators, and normal users. (alittle different on irc but based on same thing)
Channel can be public or private (locked with password)
you can have more then one channel.
To create a channel is really easy and free ofc.

Now i will not make any instructions yet how to get on this thing, but i would like to see how many of you guys are willing to give it a try, and after few days / weeks i will count the number from other forums aswell and let you know how many would join irc, so you know you wont be alone there.
Sorry for huge text, it might look like its complicated thing but its not, just give it a try!
I will be willing to help ANYONE to set up his mIRC or his own channel.

This community needs something new, and this just might work.
Greetz .:XT:.
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05-03-2024 03:24 PM
hi all sorry not been on im back family problems Party!

12-04-2023 05:26 PM
Please welcome in my Son Ryan as RyDawg91

11-16-2023 04:51 PM
hi we still play every night

08-08-2023 08:05 PM
I just wanted to stop in to say HELLO Smile Cool Carrot

07-21-2023 04:59 PM
Whats up folks? What happened to Lady_Widow, says she's former member.

04-24-2023 11:24 PM
I'm carrying a smoll baby future player in my womb. lol

01-27-2023 04:48 PM
Hi All, love to play again been tied up with interstate work for long periods need some practice see u all soon. Gun Hi

05-27-2022 10:03 PM
So what's everybody up to

02-16-2022 04:57 PM
All, I have started advertising our website and servers on UT forums through FB... Let's start playing again on our servers to start recruiting!!! Pet

02-03-2022 08:23 PM
hey super doing good and u!!

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