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Rules for playing ut99 (silly)
Was reading on and found a post with silly server rules and thought I would post some. Although some may really need to be truth. Post more or comment if you like. Enjoy....

  1. Do not shoot people on your own team unless they annoy you.
  2. Do NOT sniper with the impact hammer will definitely miss.
  3. Don't annoy the admins, you will be kicked
  4. Lots of servers say that the admins are always watching. This isn't actually true as you can get away with just about anything if you want.
  5. Although, occasionally the admins actually are watching. So, don't push your luck.
  6. Don't complain about the server when you miss your own shots.
  7. Never say your team sucks (as you're saying you suck as well).
  8. Don't taunt-spam.
  9. Don't try to spawnkill, let the spawn protection end its effect first.
  10. Don't camp, change your sniping location after 3 or 5 minutes.
  11. When you use aliases, you're not anonymous (the admins will know *exactly* who you are).
  12. There's no such thing as "just trying a cheat".
  13. Don't try to reproduce UT in real-life, people won't respawn and say "nice shot".
  14. Don't teamswitch (to the winning team) all the time.
  15. If you get killed by someone else while trying to shoot those endlessly circling birds, you're not allowed to complain.
  16. If you want to contact an admin, do it by the given contact adress. Don't annoy them ingame.
  17. What an Admin says is law ...even if you don't understand it because he mumbles it with the mouth full in his crappy 2$ headset.
  18. If the admin hates you, well... your screwed!
  19. If the admin hates you, buy him cookies.
  20. don't eat jelly beans while playing ut. you will get distracted...
  21. Don't count your pupae before they're hatched.
  22. If your weapons run out of ammo, you know your screwed
  23. When shooting with the Redeemer don't hit the ones in front of you or you are burned meat...
  24. Learn your enemies. If you know your enemy, you already won.
  25. When you run out of ammo and it looks like you may die, employ the original and most ancient strategy... RUN!
  26. When in doubt, shoot it.
  27. You'll have to pry Unreal Tournament out of my cold, dead, zombified fingers.
  28. Team killers are highly annoying and ironically are often murdered by their own team.
  29. If someone on your team is camping and not helping, teamkill them when they are on a long spree
  30. Don't spam the pelvic thrust on someone, you'll regret it
  31. Never trust anyone with a redeemer.
  32. Pros are instantly kicked because they look like cheaters.
  33. Don't call random people noobs, because you are one too.
  34. Bringing donuts to the master admin makes you be admin permanently.
  35. When IP banned, don't change your IP because you were unbanned 10 minutes before you changed your IP.
  36. It's only a game, except when it isn't.
  37. There are much more important things in life besides UT ... BUT WHO CARES!!????
  38. Being silly is serious business ... let experts only do the job.
  39. Leading monsters back to safe areas where people are chatting is very very naughty... but occasionally worthwhile.
  40. I HAVE A REDEEMER! Your argument is invalid!
  41. Camping in the middle of the field is NOT considered camping.
  42. Your gun is your only true friend.
  43. Remember all rules except this one.
  44. if you come back and try to get a revenge kill and i kill you again .It is not a revenge kill on my part .Stupidity doesn't constitute a infraction to the rule .
  45. I believe Forest Gump said it best ."Stupid is as stupid does "
  46. What rules? no haw blah ingles
  47. Don't make hamburger jokes when you kill a Nali-Warcow. They hate that!
  48. When in doubt, blame the nearest Nali.
  49. If it's the Nali's fault, then their cows did the dirty work!
  50. All N00bs must line up in front of my sniper rifle
  51. If you find yourself without any ammo and it's just you and a Stone Titan... "so huh... friends? ^.^' ...No handshakes please..."
  52. It's never your fault when your weapon shoots a wall near you and the splash effect kills you. Epic designed the weapons, clearly they made a flaw in that particular weapon's discharge function.
  53. Double jump is only for people too lazy to find a ladder.
  54. If Chuck Norris plays with you on a specific server, then congrats, you're now an admin for that server
  55. Chuck Norris always beats Loque into submission.
  56. If Chuck Norris enters a server full of aimbotters, he will be the one being accused of aimbotting.



You Must Never Hesitate For that is the way of the Ninja
i like no 1 and 18Poke Fun



You Must Never Hesitate For that is the way of the Ninja
Rule #72: Leading monsters back to safe areas where people are chatting is very very naughty... but occasionally worthwhile.



You Must Never Hesitate For that is the way of the Ninja
heres one.... Running yourself to death over and over probably
means that you should stop running and CAMP!
or.............. leaving many small craters during a single map
means that you should put your trans away and
and Dont shoot Pyro and expect her to just let it go.
if your ping is off the charts, check to see if your roommate is running
thirty freakin programs at once from his/her computer and is unaware
of the fact that regardless of how important whatever he/she is doing,
playing ut trumps his/her actions, allways.
S9 is watching YOU.
Edited by -=SoP=-Death_Therapy on 07-29-2013 12:55 AM
roflmao That's RIGHT!!
Sniping is poetry in slow motion, until I pull the trigger
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05-03-2024 03:24 PM
hi all sorry not been on im back family problems Party!

12-04-2023 05:26 PM
Please welcome in my Son Ryan as RyDawg91

11-16-2023 04:51 PM
hi we still play every night

08-08-2023 08:05 PM
I just wanted to stop in to say HELLO Smile Cool Carrot

07-21-2023 04:59 PM
Whats up folks? What happened to Lady_Widow, says she's former member.

04-24-2023 11:24 PM
I'm carrying a smoll baby future player in my womb. lol

01-27-2023 04:48 PM
Hi All, love to play again been tied up with interstate work for long periods need some practice see u all soon. Gun Hi

05-27-2022 10:03 PM
So what's everybody up to

02-16-2022 04:57 PM
All, I have started advertising our website and servers on UT forums through FB... Let's start playing again on our servers to start recruiting!!! Pet

02-03-2022 08:23 PM
hey super doing good and u!!

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