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2 proposals for the forum
Hi all,
even though I'm still a guest player, I have 2 proposals for the forum:

1) is it possible to have on the forum a complete and updated list of all the maps hosted on CoN freestyle and 1on1 servers ? I've seen that some clan sites have done it and I think this could be useful as reference for those people who look for new maps. I know this may require some work but I can help you in this job.

I've written much time ago a script (javascript) which provides the complete list of file/folders present in a given system folder by using the File System Object (FSO). The script is "encapsulated" in a HTA file, "files_list.hta", i.e. a HTML Application, a simple HTML web page with a .HTA extension which can run scripts without any system restrictions (that is an useful Windows technology developed to perform simple tasks beyond "browser black-box limits", like reading/writing small datasets on disk). You run the HTA file in the maps folder and after you get a TXT file, called "files_list.txt", with a complete list of file/folders contained in that folder.
Then, with a simple "copy & paste" operation, I think you can publish the entire list without problems.
I've sent now an email to Strych9 with an attachment "" (I've added a sample TXT file in it, my UT/maps folder, to show the results).
Feel free to use it for your own works, you can easily modify the script by simply opening the file with Notepad, no modern IDEs are needed.

2) is it possible to add somewhere on the forum a new section "Links" for publishing interesting UT links about different args ?
This is a very good server and also the forum is nice. It is more simple, clear and well organized than many other clans websites, where indeed the gfx stuff can be attractive but the infos often confused. I think people can find easily all the infos needed to play on the freestyle server but imho the forum could be still enriched by adding other and more infos about UT world. This would be useful not only for CoN clan members, but also for those guest players who join your server and look for infos about UT/sniping.
Thinking about a hypothetical "Links" section, these could be briefly the main sub-sections:

- general UT resources
- admin UT resources
- mapping & Unreal Editor
- other clan sites
- mods & mutators
- skins & models
- voice packs
- other resources (videos, docs, etc...)

Since I began to play UT on 2004, I've been collecting infos about the game. I've a list of links and resources and recently, I've also compiled a list of sniper clans with their server IPs and websites.
If you like this proposal, I would be pleased to spend some hours to check out and re-organize all the stuff available. Then I can send you a txt/doc/pdf file (tell me what you prefer) with all the infos so you can decide what is good to be published and what is not.

I am scheduled to have a meeting with BLSwagger tomorrow night. We can then discuss both of the proposals and what is the best way to implement.

Thank you for your requests. I will keep you up to date.
If I can submit an opinion here, There are obviously a tremendous amount of items we could add to this forum, some good, some bad. I believe one of the benefits of this forum is we stay focused and on topic to things related to UT and our clan.

As you said Pietro (I luv ya brother) many clans put things in their forum...for the sake of putting them in... In my opinion, if people want other mods, skins or voice packs, they can use Google or any search engine to give them a large list of these items. I DO get what your trying to create here..a large UT99 portal but ultimately links go down, spyware, malware, etc from other sites make it a real nightmare to police.

I also want to keep in mind our Head Admin's resources. More content means larger drives, memory and computer resources, which WILL include bandwidth. If we start hosting files we can ultimately provide resources for people who never even play here, which ultimately means a slower connection for our gameplay.

I would say keep the content to a minimum, conserve our resources for other areas (which include Strych time) and if players and member agree that some additions need to be made, we can address them on an "as needed" basis.

I ALWAYS believe in the "if its not broke, don't fix it"
but also believe that websites are dynamic and need to change but what is the right approach? We are growing! I am not sure what the percentage is each month but I see DAILY new players, many who are or have been -=CoN=- prospects. I think we are doing many things right and as long as were growing and have positive response from players and members, I think, stick with it! Remember when Coke changed from "Coke" to "new improved Coke" in the 80's? I fear that can happen here too.... Ill leave it up to our illustrious leaders!!

Great Ideas Pietro!! Thanks for your contribution to the topic!

Edited by WigSPLITTER on 01-13-2010 01:35 PM
Very good point Wig. And these are the types of things that are discussed in length before changes are made.

Thank you for your comments.
You're right WigSplitter but I want to point out only one thing because maybe I haven't expressed myself well.

I didn't speak about hosting files (maps or other stuff). Neither my suggestion is transforming CoN website into a UT99 portal with millions of links that after have to be firmly checked (there are yet many updated resources on the net).
My proposals are only about adding a list of the names (not files) of the maps as a reference and eventually about adding some but precious links (and not all links are obviously needed), this also for avoiding many future post of requests about UT universe.
Only this, not more, not less.

I thought about it because in the past weeks I've seen on the forum some interesting posts in "Get Help" section and among these there was one by TheMaximus about mapping. So I said to myself "why not to give this a better form ?"

These are my thoughts.
My proposals are just only proposals. Feel free to frag me ! Grin


PS: if sometims I exceed in enthusiasm for UT is only because I truly love this game, in all its forms ! Thumbs Up
And we love having you here buddy!! Now get your butt on the server so I can really sock it to ya...

We are very interested in the links you have. The Web Links function on our site is not being used and will be very easy to setup. So yes if you would like to send me the info you have Strych9 and I will look at it and start to submit links. Being you have many we will do all of these in one setting. Later, anyone can submit their own links and we can approve or reject.

Thanks for your time.

Please email to

Info needed is:
The End of an Error: 1/20/2013

Would it be possible for you admins to make just for 18+I like to have fun in an adult waySmilealso like to request if you can put 18+ on ts would this request be responded to me please?
We already have the den section of the forum which is reserved for those 18+. If you do not have access to the den send me a PM and I will add you. As far as the TS channel I will let Strych9 respond to that but I believe it will be hard to police who gets in etc. because it would be accessible to more than just members.
-=CoN=-Butterfly wrote:
also like to request if you can put 18+ on ts would this request be responded to me please?

Basically you can find the answer to this under the Teamspeak section in the server & site rules. We are working very hard toward our "Clean Server Initiative" and I feel this would be a step backwards not to mention the time it would take to moderate it.

Thank you,
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05-03-2024 03:24 PM
hi all sorry not been on im back family problems Party!

12-04-2023 05:26 PM
Please welcome in my Son Ryan as RyDawg91

11-16-2023 04:51 PM
hi we still play every night

08-08-2023 08:05 PM
I just wanted to stop in to say HELLO Smile Cool Carrot

07-21-2023 04:59 PM
Whats up folks? What happened to Lady_Widow, says she's former member.

04-24-2023 11:24 PM
I'm carrying a smoll baby future player in my womb. lol

01-27-2023 04:48 PM
Hi All, love to play again been tied up with interstate work for long periods need some practice see u all soon. Gun Hi

05-27-2022 10:03 PM
So what's everybody up to

02-16-2022 04:57 PM
All, I have started advertising our website and servers on UT forums through FB... Let's start playing again on our servers to start recruiting!!! Pet

02-03-2022 08:23 PM
hey super doing good and u!!

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